2 Mart 2010 Salı

nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide...

Napoleon said "Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide...". Isn't it the real challenge all of us is facing one day or another or sometimes every other day? To decide what to do...

Recently I finished reading "The Outliers", a book which I really enjoyed reading even though I didn't wanna believe in the facts presented there. Malcolm Gladwell was basically saying that to become an outlier one needs two things:
-Legacy and chance
-10 000 Hrs rule
Gladwell talks about the legacy and "10,000-Hour Rule" as the factors that contribute to high levels of success., claiming that the key to success in any field is exercising on a specific topic more than 10,000 hours. He is giving examples of Bill Gates and Beattles to support his hypothesis.
I 've thought about it and I personally have neither the legacy nor I spent 10 000 hrs on a specific topic. Does that mean i could never become an Outlier? Maybe yes, maybe no but my objective is to decide what i do wanna do in my life. That is the challenge I 've been facing and this is the first step... Corporate life gives kinda satisfaction upto a certain point. Being a global player in an industry and contribtung to it is really exiting and motivates but is it the whole point? Not really.
I decided; as of today, I am gone start Blogging on topics i am interested to really start a change in my life... why not the others?